• +1 (425) 750 6326
  • info@moriesianhorseregistry.com


“Welcome friends and enjoy some wonderful stories about Moriesians and the people who love them.”


MHR has received wonderful testimonials about the Moriesian horse. We would love to hear from you and we welcome your testimonial about you and your Moriesian(s). Please e-mail along with photos your testimonial to Barbara at MHRmoriesian@gmail.com.

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From: Lindsay Klik LaBella ~ Moriesian Breeder  ~ Dutch Hollow Acres ~ Avon, New York

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The Mare that started it all for me is Miss Cotton – Registered name Aurora LaBella Luna.  I found her when I was in the market for a new horse after losing my Arabian.  I must have looked at 10-20 horses and when they took her out of the stall it was love at first sight.  She’s been my soul horse ever since.  I’ve done everything with her driving, hunt seat, competitive trail, barrel racing, fox hunting, hunter paces, and this year will be our first endurance ride.  Through all of that, she’s brought (4) 2nd generation Moriesians into this world, “Is A Bella”, Stella Volante DHA, Tempo Allegro DHA, Miss Annabelle DHA.  Cotton has received 2nd Premium with High Merit at inspection and of the 3 foals that were inspected, all have received their 2nd Premium as well.

 I haven’t kept her all to myself either.  She’s such a steady rock that I’ve loaned her out to the Grainger Homestead to be used to hitch to their antique carriage collection for public carriage rides.  She’s even been used by friends in weddings as a carriage horse and sadly even was blessed to carry a friend to the grave.

Miss Cotton has been by far the poster child of the Moriesian breed and god willing I hope we get to spend many more years together.  You can visit Miss Cotton’s page here.

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From: Tamara Turgeon ~ Happy Moriesian Owner ~ Edmonton, AB Canada

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Nanne’s Brandia Dancer aka Tristan

2.5 years ago a Moriesian entered my world… and forever changed it.

Tristan originally came to the farm to be campaigned and sold on behalf of his previous owner. When I started working with him he wasn’t my favorite horse. He feared his shadow and lacked confidence. But all he needed was someone to trust him. Over the next little while my fondness grew as Tristan found himself and became my forever horse!

Tristan is the epitome of versatile. As a rider, I have always enjoyed too many disciplines to excel at just one of them. Just like a best friend, Tristan is right there beside me! from western pleasure to jumping, trail riding to gymkhana, from dressage to reining, and we still have goals of entering mounted shooting, extreme trail, working cow horse & ranch roping! Tristan has a heart of gold and is the perfect partner for me. We literally do it all! I have never had a horse that is so willing and has so much try no matter what task I put in front of him. He is my heart horse.

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From:  Barbara Collins ~ Moriesian Breeder and owner of MHR ~ Snohomish, Washington

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Pilchuck Moriesians was born ~

Pilchuck (named for the river I live on) Morgans morphed into Pilchuck Moriesians after I decided I wanted a horse with a bit more bone than my Morgans. I had grown up with Morgans on the east coast and wanted to keep their versatility, body type and spirit.


Pilchuck Coral Mist was the mare who started it all… my foundation mare. I bred her to the Friesian stallion Galahad du Lac.

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Pilchuck’s Ebony Charm was a shock in size with a bit more bone than I ever intended! However he has soft gaits and a huge heart. The littlest riders feel safe on him although at 16.2 hands they look like peanuts

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Wanting to register my first Moriesian, Gala, I found the Morisian Horse Registry owned by Betty Pace, Ogden UT. She has only registered her own horses and was too ill to continue the registry. I purchased it from her in 1999.

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I owe thanks and gratitude to those who helped me create the registry: Joe Myers of Jokar’s Hilltop Farm in PA, owner of his amazing stallion Thor. He helped me create the Rules and Bylaws and gave me the words to use in breed descriptions.

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Susie Solomon of Black Horse Equestrian Ranch in CA for editing, correcting and adding specific Moriesian breed information. She owned one of the first successfully competing Moriesians in the country Legendary Mars.

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Lauri Grell of GrailQuest Friesians in WA who did the artwork for the first MHR logos. She also owned the Friesian stallion I bred to, Galahad du Lac.

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And now my most heartfelt thanks to Sue Olsen of Rafter Bar D Morgans in WI for her talented website design and extraordinary marketing ability. She has spent hours creating this lovely site with enthusiasm and dedication for the Moriesian breed. I am honored that she has taken the time and spent the energy to bring new life to the MHR and to connect with Moriesian owners. Thank you Sue!

Ellie Jensen of Twin Artesian Stables in WI for her moral support, creative ideas and active promotion of the breed at Equine Affairs.  Her stallion Opus Black Mikasa was the first horse registered in the MHR and she bred the first second generation Moriesian.

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From: Tresa Bowden ~ Moriesian Breeder~ Poderoso Moriesians ~ Roosevelt, Utah

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For me this breeding of two breeds is the horse of my heart and the horse of my dreams. Having been introduced to Morgans when my Grandad purchased a beautiful Chestnut Morgan Stallion in the early 90’s, I remember thinking that was the most beautiful horse I had ever seen. Years later while working for a reined cowhorse trainer I was in charge of working with a Morgan gelding several times a week bred by famed Grunden Ranch Morgans. I fell in absolute love with this gelding and at one point almost refused to work with anything other than that Morgan. I spent many, many hours with that horse who was then eventually sold to a working cattle operation. After working with many other breeds before and after that time only solidified why I loved the Morgan breed so much.

My love for Friesians came originally from watching afar. They were undoubtedly beautiful and I remember thinking very early that to me they resembled a Morgan horse in a lot of ways. I also thought very early on that a Morgan-Friesian cross would make for an outstanding looking Horse.

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From:  Sue Olson ~ Moriesian/Morgan Breeder ~ Sarona, Wisconsin

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I felt the magic of the Moriesian when RBD Callista Dea Dun arrived  last spring. A grulla filly born loving people and so athletic. The Moriesian bug bit me several years back and I dreamed of having a grulla Moriesian filly born, so this dream come true is very special. Her name means “The most beautiful goddess”

As a breeder of Morgan horses, I absolutely love the classic Morgan horse for all of their wonderful qualities and let it be known that he Morgan will forever hold a special place in my heart. The first American breed, so beautifully proud, good minded, athletic and versatile…

The Romance and Fairytale image of the Friesian had captivated me since I was a young girl, however, it was always only a dream to own one some day . . . until 2015 when we purchased Marieke fan North Ster, a beautful Friesian mare. She is everything I thought a Friesian would be and more. She has so much presence, and such similar traits to the Morgan. With her sweet voice talking to me every day, her temperament stole my heart and I knew she would be the beginning of something wonderful.

I had admired the Moriesian from afar for years and have felt it was so clever of this small group of people to be developing this unique beautiful athlete. The combination of these 2 magnificent horses is the best of both worlds. It was my vision to produce a coloful Moriesian that would encompass all the traits desired and adorn her with and exotic color and stripes. I can not even begin to express how I felt that night Callista was born. She is everything I prayed for and more. She is the first grulla Moriesian to be registered with MHR and we are keeping her to be the calendar girl for colorful Moriesians. My plans for her are to be my personal riding horse, and breed her in the future.

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From: Jill von Ilten ~ Happy Moriesian owner ~

Testimonial Frogan

I have a Moriesian ( Green Gables Frogan) whom I bred and raised. He is 5 now and when I recently needed another copy of his papers, the registrar told me that you love to hear what people are doing with their Moriesians and see pictures. I will be getting pictures but don’t have them yet.

Last weekend, I rode him with our 4H extreme riding group on our first ever Competitive Trail Ride through NATRC. WE (against all the experienced NATRC riders’ advice) rode in the Open division. Frogan did AMAZINGLY well. His pulse ans respiration was the lowest of all the horses that we rode with and around. He never got over 11 and 3 ( which I learned was incredible) > We rode 30 miles on Saturday and 20 miles on Sunday, all hills and at a pretty fast pace.He got a bit of attention when he kept up with all the cantering horses …..at a gorgeous extended trot!

Not only did our WHOLE group of kids finish (10 of us all together), but we all placed. Frogan placed 5th in the Open division on our very first ride….as a 5 year old (they are not allowed to enter if they are younger than 5). Not bad for a non-Arabian, young trotting horse!

I LOVE this cross and am so glad that we have a registry for them. They are really an amazing blend of wonderful traits from each breed.

I will try to send you some pictures if we got any good ones from the trip..


Jill von Ilten


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