Ellie Jensen
3990 Oakdale Dr., Green Bay, WI 54313
Phone: 920-865-5555
Email: twinartmik@aol.com
Expertise: Natural HorsemanshipHorsemanship
(Colt start-trail riding & foundation training), Lessons and Clinics
Lindsay Klik La Bella
Dutch Hollow Acres
2051 Dutch Hollow Rd.
Avon, NY 14414
Phone: 585-237-8575
Email: lindsay@lklik.com
Expertise: Combined Driving
Patsey Pennington
2637 Legon Springs Rd., Russellville, AL 35654
Phone: 256-332-5374
Email: Clrwtrfarm@aol.com
Expertise: Horse Show, Trail Riding
Susan Solomon
PO Box 98, Proberta, Ca. 96078
Phone: 530-824-2095
Email: SSD127@aol.com
Expertise: Dressage, Breeding Friesian Crosses
Cora Haze
1223 Galls Creek Rd.
Gold Hill, OR 97525
Phone: 541-944-6572
Email: corahaze@gmail.com
Expertise: Western Dressage and Working Equitation.
Tamara Turgeon
50542 Range Rd 225
Leduc County, AB
Canada T0B 3M1
Phone: 780-221-3028
Expertise: Dressage and Performance
Federated Equine Inspection Tour
Friesian Cross Shows (IFSHA Website)
American Morgan Horse Association
Morgan Colors
The Lippitt Morgan Horse Registry
Friesian Horse Association of North America
Friesian Horse Society
Friesian Heritage Horse Registry
Friesian Blood Horse Registry