• +1 (425) 750 6326
  • info@moriesianhorseregistry.com


The MHR offers additional tests to determine both coat color and genetic disorders carried by Friesians and Morgans. Genetic testing is an essential tool for responsible breeding. It provides valuable insights that help improve the health, quality, and marketability of horses while ensuring ethical breeding practices.

Additional DNA Tests for Disorders and Color

  • Friesian Health Panel: Hydrocephalus, Dwarfism, and Distichiasis $85 (Check) // $88 (Card)
  • Morgan Genetic Disorder: PSSM1 $55 (Check) // $57 (Card)
  • Horse Coat Color Panel $95 (Check) // $98.5 (Card)
  • Red Factor & Agouti Only $60 (Check) // $62.5 (Card)
  • One Color Only $60 (Check) // $62.5 (Card)
  • Additional Coat Color $20 (Check) // $21 (Card)

Additional DNA tests Explained.

Friesian Health Panel bundles together the three known tests for genetic diseases found in the Friesian horse. Because the genes are recessive all first generation Moriesians are unaffected health wise but have a 50% chance to be carriers.
These are recessive genes which means that both the sire and dam must carry them for the foal to be affected. Second generation and ¾ Moriesians could be affected.
Friesian Horse Hydrocephalus
Hydrocephalus is an inherited condition in Friesian and Friesian crosses characterized by excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain that results in severe cranial distension.
Friesian Horse Dwarfism
Dwarfism in Friesians is an inherited disorder characterized by a disproportionate growth with reduced bone length of limbs and ribs while the size of the head and length of the back are normal.
Distichiasis is a condition in which the eyelashes grow from an abnormal position on the edges of the eyelids. These misplaced lashes can contact the cornea (clear ‘window’ of the front of the eye), leading to irritation and corneal ulcers, which can impact vision.

Morgan Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy
PSSM1 is a glycogen storage disease that results in the accumulati of abnormal complex sugars in muscle cells, which can lead to muscle pain, weakness, and reluctance to move.

Color Tests
Full Horse Color Panel bundles together several diagnostic tests to evaluate coat color. They include Red Factor, Agouti, Champagne, Cream, Dun dilution, Grey, Pearl and Silver.

The Red Factor and Agouti Panel offers diagnostic tests for these two coat color markers, the most common Morgan factors.
Red Factor and Agouti
The red factor gene determines whether a horse will have a chestnut base coat color or a black or bay base coat color.
The agouti gene controls the distribution of black pigment, and determines whether a horse will have a bay or black base coat color.

Individual Common Moriesian Coat Color Tests:
Silver Dilution: The silver dilution gene dilutes black/brown pigment to lighten the manes and tails of black and bay horses to a flaxen or silver gray.
Gray: The gray gene causes a progressive depigmentation of the hair, often resulting in a color that is almost completely white by 6-8 years of age, and can act on any base coat color.
Dun: Dun is a coat color dilution characterized by lightening of the coat, with the head, lower legs, mane and tail undiluted. Oftentimes, dun is also characterized by "primitive markings" such as a dark dorsal stripe, barring of the legs, shoulder stripes, and "cobwebbing" on the forehead.
Cream: Cream is a dilution that causes the palomino, buckskin, smoky black, cremello, perlino, and smoky cream coat colors.

Additional DNA tests

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Ethical Breeding Practices:

Responsible breeders use genetic testing to make ethical breeding decisions, prioritizing the health and well-being of the horses over other considerations.

Benefits of Coat Color Genetic Testing:

Genetic testing can help breeders predict the coat colors of potential offspring by understanding the genetic makeup of the parent horses.

Accuracy on registration certificates:

Knowing your horse's coat color provides accurate information for registration and pedigree records.
what people say

hear from our members

“The Moriesian breed is honored and carefully preserved by having their own registry and kept pure by mandatory DNA. Moriesians are a sought after breed and breeders carefully choose select stock to produce quality family-oriented athletes that excel in a variety of disciplines.”
Ellie Jensen
Twin Artesian Stables
what people say

hear from our members

"When I walk into the barn to visit my Moriesian, Blaze, the first thing
I notice is how beautiful he is. I see the same beauty in the horses
shown in the Moriesian Horse Registry, and in the gorgeous calendar
it produces every year. I feel so honored to be a member of an
organization that shares this beauty for all to see."
Charlotte Adams

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