The Awards Program recognizes registered Moriesians competing against other breeds. The versatility of the Moriesian is exhibited in the variety of disciplines in which they compete and the MHR honors those who excel.
We acknowledge the amount of work, practice, time, and energy you put into your horses. Bravo!
Dressage: Dressage scoring is based on the best four rides under three different judges. The following 2 divisions received top scores.
Training Level: Giadia’s Maximus Masterpiece, ridden by Katherine Mlostek, and owned by Sherri Johnson scored an average of 60.904. Sherri writes: “Every show we go to, be it in-hand or dressage, we are asked what breed is he? When told Moriesian, sometimes it is followed by ” I want one! “
First Level: Charlotte Adams with Redoy Red (Blaze). Charlotte and Blaze scored an average of 64.419. They received First Level Champion Award for the year 2023 at the Three Rivers Equestrian Awards Banquet. Charlotte writes “I am so proud of my little boy.” Well done!
In Hand: Includes Showmanship, Halter, and Breeding classes – Dressage, Sport Horse, and Hunter – at open shows. Top scores of up to 10 classes from at least 3 different shows are counted for points. MHR Points received are based on placement and class size.
Sherri Johnson and Max showed in two out of the required three shows, which does not qualify for an award. However, her placements in ten classes, including a Championship in Buckskin Color and a Reserve Grand Championship in Halter Geldings, are a great acknowledgement of her promoting Moriesians. Sherri writes “Maximus really loves the showing. He is inquisitive, brave and loves the action.”
Moriesian Miles: for those who spend non-competitive time with their Moriesian(s): trail riding, camping, pleasure driving, lessons, parades, clinics, and other events. The MHR honors those who are putting on miles and spending hours promoting the Moriesian breed.
We acknowledge the amount of work, practice, time, and energy you put into your horses and educating others about the breed. Bravo!
Winner: Ellie and Ron Jensen of Twin Artesian Stables – 639 hours. They have dedicated their lives to giving riding lessons, while teaching life lessons (mostly to children), hosting clinics, and participating in educational events. Ellie writes that the Moriesians they have bred and raised have ideal dispositions for beginners, while allowing advanced riders to excel in the show ring and succeed in many disciplines. With their family-friendly temperament and their drive to excel – their stable’s slogan is “Not just another pretty face.” They have exciting news soon to be released. They have rebuilt their herd with new goals: their stallions will soon be creating a name for themselves following Opus Black Mikasa’s (their foundation Moriesian) footsteps. Well done Ellie and Ron!
Second Place: Tamara Turgeon with Nanne’s Brandia Dancer (Tristan) – 512 hours. Tamara participated in non-judged events, ground sessions, lessons, free rides, horsemanship clinics. Tamara writes that 96 of her hours were done with a severe back injury that prevented her from competing for the first time since the 2016 awards.